Basic bubbles are common and come in a variety of colors!


The Bomb Power-Up is charged by dropping bubbles; when used, it deals special damage to all bubbles in a circular radius from where it lands.

The Laser Power-Up is charged by popping bubbles; when used, it deals special damage to all bubbles in a straight line from where it's shot.


Black bubbles cannot be matched. They must be dropped or destroyed with special damage.

Diamond bubbles cannot be destroyed. They must be dropped; special damage has no effect on them.

Armor bubbles have chains that break off when matched. Dealing special damage will break the chains. They can also be dropped.

Heavy Armor bubbles have two layers of chains that break off, one layer at a time, after being matched. Dealing special damage will break a layer of chains. They can also be dropped.

Shield bubbles have a shield that opens and closes after each shot; they can only be matched when in the open position. They can also be dropped or destroyed with special damage.

Canvas bubbles absorb the color of the bubbles that are popped next to them. They can also be dropped or destroyed with special damage.

Clear bubbles cannot be matched and are destroyed when their neighbor is popped. They also can be dropped or destroyed with special damage.

Black Hole bubbles swallow non-matching bubbles that are shot next to them. They must be dropped; special damage has no effect on them.


Bomb bubbles explode, destroying surrounding bubbles when hit.

Sideways bubbles create a sideways shockwave, destroying bubbles to their sides.

Lightning bubbles create lightning, destroying bubbles in a random upward path.

Upward bubbles create a upward shockwave, destroying an area of bubbles above them.

Paint Bomb bubbles change all surrounding bubbles to the same color of the bubble that triggered it.

Firefly bubbles release a helper firefly that matches a nearby group of bubbles.


Other Power-ups:

Extra Shots:  Gives the player 10 extra bubbles to start the round. This feature is available at Level 23

Third Bubble Swap - Gives the player three bubble options at a time instead of 2. This feature is available at level 33

Populate Bombs:  Replaces some of the bubbles on the board with bombs. This feature is available at Level 43

Fireflies:  Replaces some of the bubbles on the board with fireflies. This feature is available at level 55

Wild (Rainbow) Bubble: Shoot this power-up to match any bubble color.  It’s wild! Available at level 18

Sideways Bomb: Shoot this power-up to clear an entire row of bubbles. Available at level 28

Glitter: This power-up will clear all the visible bubbles on the board of the matching color! Available at level 38

Fireball: This power-up will clear all bubbles in its path while bouncing off the walls! Available at level 48