Pass the 2 of Clubs. The 2♣️ determines which player starts. If you pass the 2♣️ to another player, you may be able to win the first trick — putting you at an advantage by letting you lead the next trick.
Never Pass the Ace of Clubs. Winning the first trick can give you an advantage. Having the A♣️ (and not having the 2♣️) will guarantee that you are able to lead the second trick.
Never lead with an Ace. You never know when someone has voided that suit and can give you a ♥️ or the Q♠. Leading with an Ace guarantees you will win the trick. On the other hand, this may be great if you are trying to Shoot the Moon!
Hold onto low Hearts. After hearts are broken, ♥️ can be led for any following trick. Keeping some low ♥️ is a safeguard from taking 4 penalty points in a single trick.
Careful when passing the Queen of Spades. Holding onto the Q♠ may be a good idea depending on your hand. Passing the Q♠ to the left may put you into a situation where that player decides when the Q♠ is played. Inversely, passing the Q♠ to the right may make sense if you don't have Spades lower than it.
Never pass your last Club. Passing your last ♣️ is a dead giveaway about your strategy to other players. If other players know that you voided ♣️ they may adjust their game accordingly — try to have a ♣️ to play on the first trick can be a good idea.
Try keeping the Ace of Hearts. The A♥️ guarantees that you will at least win one point. It can either serve as a stopper if someone else is trying to Shoot the Moon or be useful if you are trying to Shoot the Moon yourself!
Pay attention to what you are passed. The cards that you are passed can give you a lot of information about your opponents strategy. For example, if all 3 cards are the same suit that player might be trying to void a suit. Similarly, if they pass you low cards they may be trying to Shoot the Moon.
Void Clubs or Diamonds as soon as possible. Being out of a suit can allow you to concentrate on getting rid of unwanted Aces, Kings, and Queens as well as any ♥️ you may have.
Try to remember which cards have already been played. If you know that the Ace and King of a certain suit have already been played, you know that the Queen is the highest card left. Knowing which cards remain allows you to plan which cards to play more carefully!