Gold Pieces are used to purchase puzzles in the game and are earned by completing puzzles or watching ad reward videos. The first time a puzzle image is completed you will earn a bonus of 100 Gold Pieces in addition to the normal reward for completing the puzzle. The reward amount is based on puzzle size as shown below:

4 pieces = 1 Gold Piece
9 pieces = 2 Gold Pieces
16 pieces = 3 Gold Pieces
25 pieces = 4 Gold Pieces
36 pieces = 5 Gold Pieces
49 pieces = 8 Gold Pieces
64 pieces = 10 Gold Pieces
81 pieces = 15 Gold Pieces
100 pieces = 20 Gold Pieces
If you are completing a puzzle on a mobile device you will have the opportunity to watch a video to double your total reward amount. If you complete a new puzzle with 100 pieces you can receive the max of an additional 120 Gold Pieces for a total 240 Gold Pieces for completing 1 puzzle.

On mobile devices you also have the option of watching reward videos for an additional 50 Gold Pieces. You can watch up to four reward videos each day.